
01 JAN 2024

New year message


Good evening and happy holidays!

As we leave 2023 behind, we leave a year that was, at the very least, full. It was full of beautiful moments and challenging times. It was a year that gifted us experience and moved us further along our path. Through the months and days, I've seen us grow, mature, and shape ourselves into something more resilient. We are certainly in a better place than we were on this same day a year ago. We may not always feel better, but that doesn't mean we aren't in a better place. Growth takes time, and each of us need our own time. Progress is a personal journey...

On my part, I want to thank each one of you individually for your invaluable contributions to our journey. We are the sum of our unique qualities, and I believe that's what we'll always be. I'd like to extend a special thanks to my partners for their support and for keeping alive the flame that guides us. I know it's not always easy, yet they continue to stand united alongside each other.

The road lies ahead of us. Our spirit is more alive that ever...we want to and we can dream, dare to believe, and pursue our dreams, and find, somewhere along the way, the joy of creation. Find our purpose.

Wherever you are, and whoever you're with, enjoy the day! Say 'thank you', say 'sorry', and show those you love exactly that... that you love them.

Here's to a great year ahead! Thank you for eveything! We'll be back to continue our journey!
The magic, after all, is in the journey itself...